Growing Well
Ways of noticing our emotional and mental wellbeing
A simple scaling tool built around 50 key indicators for mental health and balance.
The Growing Well card set consists of 50 laminated write on/wipe off cards with key statements that can be used as indicators of mental wellbeing. As well as the statement, each card features a scale made up of six small boxes with an illustration inside each box. The illustrations show the six stages of a seed growing into a seedling and, finally, a tree.
Anyone can select a card, read the statement on the card and, if they wish, mark a box (with a non-permanent pen) that shows where they feel they are at in relation to the statement. The cards can then be wiped and re-used many times over.
A therapeutic conversation can be built around a single card or the cards can be sorted according to their perceived relevance. They are divided into five colour-coded suits, reflecting the key dimensions of emotional and mental health:
- Being Connected
- Being Healthy
- Being Active
- Being Satisfied
- Being Organised
The Growing Well cards can be used in many different settings and ways. They are designed to be used by individuals alone or as conversation-building tools between a professional and a client, or between colleagues, friends or group members.
Developed following a lengthy research and evaluation process, Growing Well offers a timeless and accessible way of noticing change and emphasizing strengths. A essential resource for the toolkits of mental health professionals, therapists, psychologists and social workers.